One of the leading telemedicine companies
Cardiac diagnosis with the most advanced and efficient cardiac telemedicine solutions on the market.
A global brand for technologically advanced telemedicine solutions
Our standard is excellence, high efficiency and continuous research and development of new technologies.
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medical equipment sales
0 years
in the forefront of medical equipment
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our worldwide presence
We believe in an equal-opportunities work environment
We follow a policy of providing equal opportunities, pay and professional conditions to all our employees, who amount to 44% women and 56% men, with 25% being under 35 years old.
Cardioline's compass for sustainable development.
Everyone should have access to the best medical diagnostic and treatment procedures, regardless of where they live on the planet.
Cardioline plays a key role in improving global healthcare through technology and know-how of processes, bringing the best possible level of care to any area in which it operates.
Cardioline's vision is to build an accessible, sustainable healthcare system that provides reliable tools to doctors, in order for them to provide the most professional medical support available.